Thursday, March 3, 2011

PMA Trip #2

Returning to the PMA was a relaxing experience. It was towards the end of the day so there were not many people there. I was a super nice day the day I went so the room seemed much brighter than the last time. I noticed the air of the room My painting hung in to. It seemed kind of old and musty which contradicted the brightness. Since the gallery monitors were nearing the end of their shifts, they were very loud. Two women near me were especially loud and talking about what they were going to wear to an upcoming wedding. Yet, it did not bother me because when I started drawing they became just background noise. I couldn't sit down when I drew because the room where Portrait of Artist Father acts as a hallway to the next room and there were a few people walking through. Again, I do not think many people would really stop and look at this painting (the painting is in a room with 9 others and they are all of nudes.) This time though when people noticed I was drawing this particular one, they would stand behind me and take a second look. Since this is my second look, I am noticing the awkwardness of the form Duchamp painting. The man's right arm is supposed to be resting on the chair and holding up the man's head but instead he looks like he is doing a super model pose. His elbow sticks way too far out to be resting on the arm of the chair. Even if his body makes me wonder, I still enjoy the earthy color palette. I love the yellow color that floats behind the man and his chair. Looking more closely at the background, i am starting to notice a bunch of layers underneath the top layer of paint. In the top right corner of the painting There are black lines outlining some kind of form that i can not recognize. There are also some on the left side but they are hindden better with his smushes of paint. All in all the painting still reminds me of a grandfather and I enjoyed doing this study.

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